On 23 2012 the Strategic Planning SocietySPS will confer the sixth Strategic Value in Corporate Reporting Awards to FTSE100 and FTSE250 companies for the quality of strategy disclosure in the narrative of their corporate annual reporting.
The SPS confers these awards because it believes the effective use of narrative in corporate reporting, and particularly the part that strategy related commentary plays in it, is a long overdue evolution of how the world judges and values companies. The reporting framework now driven by statutory requirements creates a suitable basis for comparability between companies. How a company puts its strategic thinking, planning and management into words offers a way to assess relatively each listed company’s future potential and its worth.
The SPSapplauds this long overdue recognition that knowledge of business strategy and its usefulness are essential for all stakeholders to interpret the future success of a company. Reflecting this development, and in pursuance of the Society’s long-established thought leadership role and charitable purpose, the SPS now makes annual awards to companies that demonstrate the highest standards of strategy disclosure and commentary in their annual reporting.
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